The British queue everywhere for everything, including football tickets, sales, buses, trains, aircraft, fast food, post offices and hospital beds!
The British queue everywhere for everything, including football tickets, sales, buses, trains, aircraft, fast food, post offices and hospital beds!
The British enjoy superb entertainment, leisure, sports and cultural facilities, which are among the best in the world.
Contrary to popular belief, the British aren’t all drunks and are languishing in a fairly lowly 12th position in the alcohol consumption league.
Greenland is a huge island in the far, far north of the world. The weather there is very harsh and cold. Even the ‘hottest’ summer day in Greenland is like a cool winter’s day in England.
A Briton’s accent and choice of words is usually a dead giveaway as to his background, location and upbringing.
A Briton’s accent and choice of words is usually a dead giveaway as to his background, location and upbringing.
2.5 billion people in the world use the Internet and five billion people have a mobile phone.