You may sometimes get the impression that the British are an unfriendly lot, as your neighbours won’t always say hello.
You may sometimes get the impression that the British are an unfriendly lot, as your neighbours won’t always say hello.
Is there a connection between traditional tattoos and fashionable tattoos? And can you call tattoos a fashion?
We are in the middle of a worldwide change in cultures – a transformation of entertainment, business and politics and according to social scientists, our world is shrinking!
Of all the visitors to New York City in recent years, one of the most surprising was a beaver which showed up one morning in 2007.
St Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration.
Once, the traditional British holiday was a week at the seaside – either in the UK or somewhere with more reliable weather like the Mediterranean.
When I choose a holiday, I always have the same problem. I don’t want to go somewhere and see lots of other tourists. I want to be the only person there.
One of the things which initially confuses foreigners living in the UK is its class system, which is a curious British affectation.
The main problem with the British economy (apart from the ineptitude of British politicians) is that many Britons lack ambition.
Slanderous foreign propagandists have calculated that the British make love on average twice a month.